230 happy clients … and counting!

We’re a little bit obsessed by striving to deliver brilliant customer service! And so that’s why we’re very proud that we’ve been sent over 230 positive customer testimonials that now appear on this website, in addition to the dozens of thank you cards that fill our 9 offices.

We think the secret of our success with making clients happy is down to many factors, including…

Team spirit and co-operation – so many of our team have been with us for years and are true experts in what they do and the locations in which they work; we can be insightful and helpful.

Great communication – clients can now connect to Jeffries 24/7 – Our Move managers are here to guide clients through the buying and selling process, keeping them informed every step of the way

Gorgeous property details – our photographers in each office are professionally trained to take photos that showcase the highlights of every property, beautifully.

Magnificent marketing – our properties appear on social media, our website, and on property portals including Zoopla, Rightmove and OnTheMarket.com. … your property is out there!

One statistic that we’re always mindful of is… “Happy customers tell on average 11 people about a positive experience…unhappy customers tell on average 15 people about a poor experience! (American Express 2017)” so we’ll continue to do the things that have and are making our clients past and present, happy with their customer experience with Jeffries.