We are now on Zoopla!


We’re delighted to announce that The Jeffries Group has signed up to the online property website, Zoopla, allowing us to promote our properties to a potential audience of millions, every month.

We chose to embark on this relationship as we recognised that Zoopla is one the UK’s most comprehensive property websites, and one that gives users the resources they need to make better-informed property decisions. We liked that they help consumers find their next home and research the market by combining hundreds of thousands of property listings with market data, local information and community tools.

Launched in 2008, Zoopla has since been one of the fastest growing websites in the UK, now attracting over 40 million visits per month.

We are already seeing very positive outcomes as a result of our new relationship. The increased exposure our clients’ properties are getting, means our vendors are more likely to quickly find that perfect buyer who is offering the right price.